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White iPhone 4 goes on sale tomorrow

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds,

iPhone 4 white

Okay, so it turns out we were a day off when we reported that the white iPhone 4 should be going on sale today, as Apple just confirmed that tomorrow is the day. So if you've been holding out for the past 10 months (and have been ignoring eBay,) now's your chance. However, we're guessing that anyone who's wanted an iPhone 4 has already purchased one. Still, even those people can sell their units to buy a white one, if they really want them that badly, right? As a refresher, the white iPhone 4 is exactly the same as the black model in terms of pricing and features. It's just white.


Phil Schiller confirms white iPhone 4 set for Spring launch

Posted by Reza Malayeri Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Corporate News,

White iPhone Twitter schiller

It looks like Apple executive Phil Schiller let the cat out of the bag on the white iPhone release date over the weekend. He promised a spring release date for the white iPhone. Apple has delayed the launch of the white iPhone 4 several times for various reasons. The problem with the device was "light leakage" from around the edges of the glass. The white paint on the iPhone was causing light to leak, and Apple developed a special manufacturing process to combat the problem. There were also rumors that Apple was not happy with the original shade of white that was being produced at the manufacturing plant.

Click to continue reading Phil Schiller confirms white iPhone 4 set for Spring launch

Will we see a white iPad this Wednesday?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Design, Handhelds, Rumors,

white ipad bezel

We're days away from Apple's March 2 press event, where Cupertino is widely expected to unveil its next-generation iPad. Not surprisingly, the rumor mill is still churning out stories, and today's tidbit is that Apple will unveil a white iPad.

Blog 9to5Mac got its hands on photos of what it says could be second-generation iPad parts - and the frame is white.

Of course, Apple has thus far failed to deliver on its promise of a white iPhone 4; the latest prediction is sometime this spring. Would it really unveil and start selling a white iPad before delivering the white iPhone 4? Or will both devices hit the market at the same time?

All our questions should be answered by Wednesday. For now, all we have is the wild speculation that happens before every big Apple event.

Click to continue reading Will we see a white iPad this Wednesday?

Apple delays white iPhone 4 release for the third time

white iphone 4 delay

Last night, Apple put out a statement saying that the white iPhone 4 would be delayed again, this time until Spring 2011. This would mark the third time that the white device would be delayed by the company due to manufacturing issues. Apparently, the culprit behind this is that the white glass lets a little too much light through to the inside of the phone, which leaks into the camera sensor and results in washed-out images. The odd thing here is that we all expect that the next iPhone, iPhone 5 or whatever it may be, will be launching around June. Will Apple really release the iPhone 4 in a new color so close to the end of its cycle?

In the meantime though, we've had our white iPhone 4 for a while now, and we've seen no image quality differences between the our white model and black model. In fact, if you wanted one, you could get a white one yourself. Have a look at our white iPhone 4 video coverage for details.

Click to continue reading Apple delays white iPhone 4 release for the third time

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White iPhone 4 vs. black iPhone 4 comparison

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Design, Features, Handhelds,

White iPhone 4 vs black iPhone 4 front angled

A few days ago we hit you with our white iPhone 4 hands-on gallery, giving you an up-close look at the device as it stands on its own. Today we’ve put together a gallery showing the yet-to-be-released next to the currently available black model. Go ahead and look through the images to see not just the obvious differences (you know…the white front and back of the device,) but also the more subtle ones. Things like the dock connector and headphone jack are also white, unlike what you’d find on the black model.

If you want to get your hands on a white iPhone 4, we’ll be sharing details soon on how you can get your hands on one, or get your black model converted with white parts. If you’re interested, let us know in the comments!


White casing for next iPhone seemingly outed

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Rumors,

iPhone 4 white black face

Now Hong Kong looks to be getting into the rumor mill and leak game, as it appears that a white casing for the next iPhone has been uncovered. In the past, with the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, the phone has been available in black and white models, with the white only being available on the back casing—the black front of the phone has been consistent across all models. So if these images are accurate, Apple may be readying their first all-white iPhone. We should be finding out for sure on June 7 at WWDC.

Click to continue reading White casing for next iPhone seemingly outed

Unboxing Live 038: Apple iPhone 3G, White and Black, unboxed in Apple Store

After a long and arduous wait and a somewhat aggravating purchase experience, we had to insist that the folks at the Apple store allow us to film this episode of Unboxing Live. Obviously, we are unboxing the 16GB iPhone 3G, in both black and white flavors. Included with the iPhone are iPhone earbuds, a Dock cable, and a new tiny USB power brick. It also comes with a SIM removal tool, a cleaning cloth, and the ever-present Apple stickers. Conspicuously missing from the package is the iPhone 3G stand-up dock, which is sold separately for $20.
